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1 - Citations VO

  • "Gentlemen, we've made a slide to heaven."

>> Arturo, on landing on a world of love-starved women.

  • "Lucky? Allowing an idiot like that to breed at that rate could set your civilization back ten thousand years."

>> Arturo, in response to a young man's belief that the U.S. was lucky to have Trevor Grant in its corner, especially after 215 confirmed pregnancies in just 28 days.

  • "It's like a buffet of love."

>> Rembrandt's take on life at the breeding center.

  • "Any fantasies I ever had about nurses have been dispelled forever."

>> Arturo, in response to having a nurse force a green protein drink down his gullet.

  • "You'd last out there about as long as a pork chop in a pool of piranha."

>> Arturo, to Quinn who wants to go outside to look for Wade.

  • "This is the absolute rock bottom."

>> Rembrandt ... in drag.

  • "I could honestly say that I never thought anyone would say those words to me."

>> Rembrandt after his cold legs elicit Wade to lament, "I told you to wear the panty hose."

  • "Listen to me! Who's gonna mean more to your handlers back in Canberra, a national treasure or an American transvestite and an overweight Englishman?"

>> Wade to the Australian consul as she tries to trade Trevor Grant for Rembrandt and Arturo.

  • "Oh man, that's cold."

>> Rembrandt's response to the deal.

  • "Frankly, madam, I would have sooner had my liver eaten by a vulture."

>> Arturo's response to his stay at the Australian Consulate.

  • "The love that dare not speak its name."

>> David quoting Lord Alfred Douglas from his piece "Two Loves."

  • "A prophet is not without honor in his own country."

>> Rembrandt quoting the Bible. (Matthew 13:57)

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Merci d'avance pour votre aide et excellent week-end !

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